Limiting Beliefs

Every so often, when my to-list seems never ending, my calendar is full of dentist and vet appointments, and I am needing to make one decision after another, I find myself thinking thoughts like…

  • This is too much

  • I will never get everything done

  • I can’t do this

And because our thoughts cause our feelings, these thoughts understandably cause me to feel…

  • overwhelmed

  • anxious

  • defeated

… and who wants to feel that?

So, it’s no surprise that when I’m telling myself this is too much, instead of completing my tasks, I end up pulling the covers over my head, eating snacks and binge watching Grey’s Anatomy.

Limiting beliefs are the thoughts/opinions/ideas that we keep telling ourselves and keeping choosing to believe that keep us from making change. They keep us from doing the things we need and want to be doing. They keep us stuck.

We may not be able to control the adulting we have to do, but we can choose what we tell our brains and what we believe to be true.

This is too much I can do this

I will never get everything done I can do one thing at a time

I can’t do this I can try

This is not to say we should lie to ourselves and feed ourselves toxic positivity. But choosing a thought that is at least slightly believable and makes you feel at least a little bit better than the one that is holding you back can be a game changer. You can do this. I believe in you.



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Nothing More Than Feelings


Good Intentions