Nothing More Than Feelings

Feelings, or emotions, can be described using one word like angry, sad, disappointed, proud, loving or brave. It’s not always easy to name how you feel. And we are not taught how to feel our feelings.

We are socialized to believe that we need to feel happy all the time and that if we are not happy something must be wrong.

And most of us don’t like the way “negative” emotions feel so we:

  • AVOID by overeating, over drinking, keeping busy, bing watching TV, scrolling social media

  • RESIST by denying they exist and refusing to talk about them

  • REACT by yelling, crying or acting out our feelings

So many of us are afraid to “open the floodgates” or to “go there” with our emotions.

But did you know that feelings just a vibration in the body caused by a thought? They CANNOT hurt you.

Allowing feelings may seem scary at first, but with practice you will learn that it is easier than you think.

The easiest way to do this is to describe the emotion in detail. Write it down. Ask yourself:

What am I feeling?

Where is it in my body?

How do I know I am feeling it?

What is specific about it?

Then, instead of trying to get rid of it, breathe it in. Allow it. Move toward it. Know that you can handle the emotion.

You’ve got this. I believe in you.


If you could use support in any area of your life from parenting to relationships to a goal you would like to reach, or just want to learn more about how to manage your mind, schedule a FREE 30-minute session HERE and let’s chat. I look forward to working with you.


Reality Check


Limiting Beliefs