The Pause

If I had to choose the most important lesson that I’ve learned in all of the self discovery work I’ve done, it would have to be that in the heat of the moment, I am almost never my best self.

If I am asked to make a decision or a commitment, I panic and agree to things I don’t actually have any interest in doing.

If I am confronted, I feel defensive and lash out.

If I am asked a personal question, I will overshare, overexplain and open up to people who don’t deserve my energy.

Sound familiar?

I have learned (and continue to learn) that taking a pause can make a world of difference.

The pause allows me to catch my breath.

The pause lets my logical mind come back online.

The pause takes fear/anxiety/overwhelm out of the equation.

Taking a pause for me means the difference between being argumentative/people pleasing/defensive/angry/controlling/ panicky and showing up as the person I want to be.

The pause can be whatever you need to take a beat and react with intention instead of emotion.

  • Taking a deep breath

  • Saying “let me think about it”

  • Taking a 10-minute break

  • Replying to the email with “I will let you know by tomorrow”

  • Waking away and coming back later

  • Taking a walk

  • Excusing yourself for a moment

What can the pause look like for you?

You’ve got this. I believe in you,


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Requests, Demands & Boundaries, Oh My!


This Is How I Feel